West Dean College of Arts & Conservation is renowned for its full-time and Blended Delivery Fine Art programmes, with graduates going on to practice and exhibit internationally. The department’s ethos of encouraging diverse interdisciplinary practice, together with its support of specialist subjects, attracts students interested in radical approaches to art and those with a strong emphasis on making in studio practice.

Exceptionally large studios, excellent facilities, and an outstanding student-to-staff ratio ensure students are supported to challenge themselves and push the boundaries of contemporary Fine Art practice.

Graduate Diploma (FT) and MFA (FT and Blended Delivery) programmes are supported by a programme of Artists-in-Residence; regular Visiting Artists and Associate Tutors; Study Visits; a campus that features an Historic House, unique Collection and Archives, and a wider Estate of 6,000 acres within the South Downs National Park.

For more information about the programmes and to make an application, visit the West Dean College website or contact us

Vanessa McGlone (Graduate Diploma) in the Fine Art Studios at West Dean College.
West Dean College
West Dean, Chichester, West Sussex
United Kingdom  PO18 0QZ